What will you do with the next 25 days?‏

Question for you … What are you going to do with the final 25 days of this year???  We’re now into the final month of the year 2013. It’s the month where most people start to slow down and come up with excuses because it’s almost the end of the year. “I’ll start fresh on […]

How to Meal Plan

How To Meal Plan I’m going to be honest. It pisses me off when people tell me they do not have the time to eat well, that they don’t have the time to cook. This tells me three things, that they assume people who do cook have more time than them, they are busier than […]

How to Keep Track of What You Eat

Writing down what you eat is like seeing a day’s worth of food laid out before you. You can pick out your good habits (such as eating three daily meals and choosing healthy snacks) and your bad habits (such as snacking all day and drinking mostly sugary drinks). How to track your eating habits. There […]