So here’s the deal…the first 10 days of January 2014 have now passed and if you are at the gym you’ve probably already seen a drop in the number of folks working out(FUNNY HUH ? LMAO) another 4 weeks and it will just be the same folks that you saw all of 2013.

The New Year is upon us and we all know the crazy “New Year’s Resolutions” will be popping up around every single corner.

I’m NOT about New Years Resolutions…

I’m about New Year’s “REVOLUTIONS”.

Because what good is it to you to start a “resolution” to only drop off the freakin’ wagon just a few weeks or months later?


It’s time to be COMMITTED all year around!
If you want a “resolution”, think in terms of living a LIFESTYLE filled with goals that you’re constantly attacking. In other words a LIFESTYLE REVOLUTION!

It’s NOT about quick fixes.

It’s about the LIFE-long journey.

Over the past week I sent out a few messages asking for YOU and others to send in your BIG 2014 Goals.

Notice I never asked for “resolutions”, I asked for GOALS……REALISTIC GOALS !

There’s a major difference there.

Either way, as of this morning I had received back 241 replies.

I won’t lie as this is a bit overwhelming, but I’m handling it 😉

I’ve been hard at it answering these messages 1 by 1, so if I haven’t gotten back to you yet, I promise you’ll be hearing from me here within the next day or so.

It’s my personal MISSION to reply back to every single person because every single person matters to me.

Especially YOU.

No matter how BIG or small the goals, I want to make sure that YOU achieve each and every one + do more in this up coming year.

Now, one MAJOR thing I wanted to note about these goals is this…

Be more DEFINITIVE about what YOU want.

The biggest mistake I’ve seen people make with their goals is they list out goals that have NO specific way to track.

Without a means to track a goal, how will YOU ever know if you’ve achieved it or not??

For example, I’ve gotten the goal “I want to be the fittest I can be” from probably over 100 people.

That’s a great goal to have, but what the heck does that mean??

You must DEFINE what “fittest” is.

Is it to have a certain REALLY HEAVY deadlift or squat while still being able to run a mile under 6 minutes?

Is it to be able to run 400m in under 60 secs and do 15+ pull ups.

Is it to run a Spartan Race or other challenge event and FINISH or improve your finish from last year?

Is it to improve your 5km time from last year or run your first half-marathon ?

YOU must DEFINE what it is & IT MUST BE ATTAINABLE !!!

If you have have been sedentary for a years you will not be running a marathon after 3 months of training !

Too many people set UNREALISTIC goals and and lose their Mojo when they don’t progress fast enough to reach the goal.

Easiest thing to do is to think about HOW you’ll be able to track progress? That which one wants to change or improve MUST FIRST BE MEASURED NOW & GOING FORWARD in order to track your progress !!! This is why it’s super important to be as descriptive as possible with every single goal you have.

Because when you do this you can then get more specific with how you attack your goals.

The more specific you are, the FASTER you’ll gain SUCCESS. So, just know and understand that and don’t forget that there’s NO room for quick fix resolutions, only goals and ongoing lifestyle transformations.

Leave the quick fixes for all the lazy “New Year Resolution-ist” out there that will be filling up(& emptying just as fast) the gym’s these next few weeks of the year who don’t have goals. YOU’RE NOT them, that is WHY YOU READING MY BLOG and following me on Facebook and Twitter !!

You know it takes much more than that.

YOU NEED A PLAN & A REASONABLE TIME-FRAME to truly be accountable……JUS SAYIN !! PAY ATTENTION to the poster at the beginning of the post PLEASE !

You need a coach or a group to whom you are accountable and above all else YOU GOTTA LISTEN to your coach/group, ACT on your plan & DON’T MAKE EXCUSES !!

Dream, Believe, Achieve & Have a “FIT” day,


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