It’s the month where most people start to slow down and come up with excuses because it’s almost the end of the year.
“I’ll start fresh on January 1st when the NEW Year hits”
“I’ll WAIT”.
That’s one of the WORST things you can do…
Wait for what?
A better time?
There is NO better time.
The BEST time is NOW !! click here
That’s what a lot of people say.
In fact, I just got done speaking to a guy who showed up 45 mins
LATE for his first session.
There’s never a good reason to wait on attacking your goals.
New Year or not, NOW is the time to get rollin’ ahead.
I say instead of starting the New Year off strong, END the year off
STRONG instead.
That way when everyone else is just starting off come Jan 1st,
you’ll be 10 steps ahead of the crowd.
And that’s exactly what it is…
“The Crowd”
AKA – The Majority.
DON’T be the majority.
Be the friggin’ MINORITY HERE !
The person that runs against the grain.
The person that DOESN’T friggin’ wait and just DOES.
It’s time to make it happen and end the year out friggin’ STRONGER & LEANER !
T minus 25 days to get better before the NEW Year hits…
I got a BIG MONTH coming up for YOU so get yourself strapped in
and ready to go full blast.
We’re going to bust through some walls so I hope you’re
If you’re not ready, it’s time to step aside or get ready to be run
While everyone else will be toning things down prepping for the New
Year, we’ll be cranking things up to a new level.
25 Days to get ourselves STRONGER, FITTER & LEANER and end out this year right.
YOU with me?
The time is NOW !!
Have a “FIT” day